
We're on a mission.


The evidence is clear — strong social relationships are the most important contributor to enduring health and happiness. In an era of virtualizing nearly every aspect of life, spending quality time with people is the antidote to an increasingly isolated and lonely society.

Our mission is to help people build social connection through IRL activities.


Our guiding principles

We help build community

We all need to be part of communities to feel happy and fulfilled. Healthy communities don't happen by themselves; they require people to connect, and we are committed to making this simple.

We foster belonging

Belonging happens when you feel safe, seen and accepted. We create tools that activate and deepen a sense of belonging in your local community.

We put people first

From the design of our product to strategic business decisions, our aim is to be human-centered—meaning we will make decisions that put our members first.

We share knowledge

Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it. Sharing knowledge and success stories can help energize and activate communities.

We know the power of purpose

A healthy community works together and shares responsibility. We facilitate sharing and in person connection – two key contributors to deepening community relationships

We earn your trust

Trust isn’t given, it’s earned. Trust enables communities to flourish and grow. We aim to earn your trust with the way we operate, and to help you create communities based on trust.

Team Joinable

Ammon Haggerty


Bisi Obateru

Community & Growth

Heather Hughes


Iona Scobie

Community Success

Jon Hanson


Stefan Teau


Teg Grenager


Tony Nguyen
